Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hey yall this is my very first post and I'm not real sure what Iam doing,but here goes. First let me tell you all a little bout me. First of all I am in love with Jesus, without Him I would be nothing. I am married to a preacher that is a season of rest, right now, and God has placed us in church with Missy and her husband Brother Doug. He is our Pastor and he is letting God use him in a mighty way. He preaches it like it is!!!! He is very honest in his preaching and I don't think I could tell him enough how much I appricate that. Willie [my husband]and I have been married 42 years, first 20 years we weren't saved and the past 22 years we have had Jesus in our lives.PRAISE THE LORD111111111111 Life is so much better with Him than without him. We still have struggles like everyone but it is so much easier with God to lean on. We have 4 grown children and 9 grandchildren, 8 girls and 1 boy,and one beautiful great grand daughter. ALL OF THEM ARE BEAUTIFUL!!! we have adopted 2 of our grandchildren and are going through the TEEN YEARS again, please pray for us!!! We really need it more on some days than others. I am also one of " Missy's ladies," and thank God he put me on her mind to be in this study group. we all love each other and have prayed for each other shared tears and laughter. We have grown close in these past few months, God is so good and He knows how to work things out in our lives when we don't know really what we need. If you have a friend who has encouraged you in any way let them know, or a sunday school teacher or preacher,child or parent, let them know! You might make their day!  Untill next time. God loves you and he let you know by sending Jesus!!!!!!!