Tuesday, October 18, 2011

we need a sheepherd

Is. 40:11, He tends His flock like a shepherd. He gathers he lambs in His arms and carrys them close to His heart. He gently leads....  Shepherds live with their sheep, finding places for them to eat and drink, providing them shelter from the storms, and protection from the heat. Sheep must eat and drink the right amt. each and every day to survive. without their shepherd they would die. The shepherd must plan carefully the path and lead the way, so the sheep have what they need. Sheep are more needy than other animals. they have the instinct to run when faced with any type of danger or change. they do not have self presveration, to fight as most animals do. So this would not allow the sheep to last very long, that is why they need a shepherd to care for them. Not to be mean but, sheep are dumb, can not be left alone, and often stray. (does this sound a slight bit familar). A shepherd never pushes his sheep, but he leads them, going before them making sure they are not in any danger and on the right path. Are you letting the Shepherd lead you or are you going a stray, going in your own direction, making your own path, look at Ps.40:1-3, I waited patiently for the LORD and HE inclined to me,and heard my cry. HE also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay and set my feet on upon a rock and directed my steps. If we have strayed and find ourself in a terrible pit we can be sure our Shepherd will find us and pull us out and put back on the right path, and he will lead the way. Call out to HIM today. HE will hear you. read PS.23:1-6 and meditate on the needs the Shepherd meets for the sheep. I am so thankful Jesus is my Shepherd, what bout you?