Tuesday, June 28, 2011

GOD'S chariots

My dear sweet friend Missy gave me a book "The Christians Secret of a Happy Life" and I would like to share this from the book. The Bible tells us when God went forth for the salvation of His people, then He did ride upon His horses and chariots of salvation' and it is the same now. The clouds and storms that darken our skies and seem to shut out the shining of the sun, are really only God's chariots. Have you made the clouds in your life your chariots? Are you riding prosperously with God on top of them all? Our constant temptation is to trust in "the chariots of Egypt" or in other words in earthly resources. We can see them; they are tangible and real and look substantial; while God's chariots are invisible and intangible, and it is hard to beleive they are there. The great point, then is to recognize each thing that comes to us as being really God's chariot for us and accept it as fromHim. He does not command or originate the thing, perhaps; but the moment we put it into His hands, it becomes His and He at once turns it into a chariot for us. He makes all things, even bad things, work together for good to all those who trust Him. All He needs is to have it entirely committed to Him. Have you got any God made chariots in your life? We all should!! Think about it. If we gave every thing; all our trials and temptations, all ours hurts and frustrastions to Him, we could climb right into the will of God just as a little child climbs into their mother's arms. GET INTO YOUR CHARIOT!!!!!

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